Welcome to the Kokopelli Kave, a website dedicated to Kokopelli the mythical prankster and
joy bringer. He has been depicted in cave drawings that have been discovered all over the world, but
primarily in the Southwest USA. I hope you find what you are looking for on this site and please use the guestbook for any questions or comments.
my Birthday, my very close friends Heidi and Marge made me a
bathrobe that is the ultimate gift for this Kokopelli Lover.
Here are a couple of pictures of this wonderful gift.

I also have to thank my good fried Candice for
Painting my this lovely rendition of Kokopelli and making me this
very special flower pot filled with Dirt Cake.

My favorite Kokopelli story:
A very long time ago, the men of the village went on a hunt. It was the dead of winter and there was very little food in the village. The women and children were left behind due to the heavy snowfall. The men were only supposed to be away for three sunsets but due to the heavy snow they became lost. Today we call it a 'white-out'. They were gone for over 20 sunsets and when they came back to the village, all the children ran out to greet them. The men were happy to see the children but were perplexed as there were no women to greet them. As they entered the village, they found all of the women dead. The women had sacrificed themselves so that the children could live. They gave the children all of the food.
The village shaman told the men "We must dance the Dance of Thanksgiving, for the bounty we have returned with". The men cried out, "How can we have a Thanksgiving Dance with all of our women gone?" The Shaman simply said, "Trust in the Creator." The men made plans to have a Thanksgiving Dance and that night the Creator came to the Shaman. She told him to do something unthinkable. She told him to bury all of the women together, in a single shallow grave. The next morning all of the women were buried together. That night, the men and the children danced the Thanksgiving Dance with heavy hearts. The Creator caused a great sleep to come over the village and sent a wonderful spirit to the village. The spirit was tall and stately and played a flute. He went to the grave and started to play his flute. He bent over the grave and as he played, tears fell from his eyes. These tears became seeds of corn and he played and played and cried and cried. At the end of 20 sunsets our Creator said to him, "Kokapelli, you shall forever remain hunched over as a tribute to the maidens who will forever be known as the Corn Maidens. Your tears which came from your heart, have become seeds of life, corn. Our people shall never go hungry again for you have given them life." Thanks to Andy Salinas for this story of Kokopelli.
For those of you interested in the Kokopelli Tattoos, I was searching the web and found this site with a page of Kokopelli Tattoos: http://www3.baylor.edu:80/~Michelle_Toon/Kokopelli.html

My collection of earrings has gotten very large, so I had to make a earring tree to be able to see them all. I think it turned out quite nice.